#include #include #include #include "usart.c" #include "hd44780.h" #include "ds1302.c" unsigned char alarm_1_set, alarm_2_set, alarm_3_set; unsigned char b10; unsigned char bpm; /**************************************************************************************/ //函数名 :main //属性 :私有 //功能 :主函数 //输入参数 : //输出参数 : //返回值 : //修改日期 : //修改人 : /**************************************************************************************/ int main(void) { unsigned char hour,min, sec, temp1, temp2,temp3; unsigned char test[]="Nowtime is :"; min=0; sec = 0; hour=0; //init_usart(); initgraph(); write_byte(w_protect,0x00); //make sure that the WP bit is cleared //write_byte(sec_w,0x00); //set seconds to 0 while (1) { temp1 = sec; temp2 = min; temp3=hour; sec = read_byte(sec_r); //read the seconds min = read_byte(min_r); //read the minites hour = read_byte(hour_r); //read the minites gotoxy(0,0); outtext(test); /* if(sec != temp1) { //printf("now time is: %u : %u", min,sec); printf("now time is :"); printf("\r"); if(sec<10) { printf("%u : 0%u",min,sec); printf("\r"); } printf("%u : %u : %u",hour,min,sec); printf("\r"); } */ gotoxy(0,1); delay_nms(10); put_char('0'+hour/10); put_char('0'+hour%10); put_char(':'); put_char('0'+min/10); put_char('0'+min%10); put_char(':'); put_char('0'+sec/10); put_char('0'+sec%10); } }